Inspired by traditional Tibetan medical paintings that use the leaves of a tree to teach, I created a symbol of the three forces in balance.

Bodies in Balance

Challenge: Give visitors a reason to explore more than just the galleries.

Strategy: Deliver a personalized journey through the museum with a quiz, customized offerings, and unified graphic system.

 Inspired by traditional Tibetan medical paintings that use the leaves of a tree to teach, I created a symbol of the three forces in balance.

Inspired by traditional Tibetan medical paintings that use the leaves of a tree to teach, I created a symbol of the three forces in balance.

 Visitors were invited to take a personal quiz to discover their dominant force.

Visitors were invited to take a personal quiz to discover their dominant force.

 Labels throughout the exhibition gave individualized insights based on your quiz results.

Labels throughout the exhibition gave individualized insights based on your quiz results.

 Offerings in the cafe and shop were customized to each of the three forces.

Offerings in the cafe and shop were customized to each of the three forces.

 A fifty-foot 3-sided banner connected the ground level to the fourth and fifth floors. As visitors ascended the spiral staircase, they encountered each of the three forces and additional questions.

A fifty-foot 3-sided banner connected the ground level to the fourth and fifth floors. As visitors ascended the spiral staircase, they encountered each of the three forces and additional questions.

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 Interactive pulse-reading station and gallery didactics further personalize the experience.

Interactive pulse-reading station and gallery didactics further personalize the experience.

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